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Mrs Jin, from Nanjing, Jiangsu , was born in 1969(she looks young,just? like 40 years old ) , college graduated ,nursing major , can communicate in English well ,"I worked as a nurse? in a hospital for more than 20 years,and then I? worked in a? Chinese family for? taking care of a baby from 1 year old ,also did? house cleaning , ironing,? and cooking ; I can drive a car and drives very well,Many people? think that I'm a capable woman,kindly and friendly ,I do the housework carefully and cautiously ;I can? speak standard mandarin with no local accent and can teach you Mandarin when you need ,I likes singing (sing songs pretty good),dancing,sports and travel . I have American, Canadian and British visa,? I'm seeking to work in a? foreign familiy living? in Shanghai or work overseas."

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